Jesus Changes Everything

Misconceptions about following Jesus:
You get a new set of places to be
Also, a list of things to not do
T-shirts, mugs, tacky Christian artwork, etc.
And a get out of Hell free card

But is that why Jesus died? John 10:10

Think about why Jesus came to these people:
The Samaritan woman at the well
The woman caught in adultery
The 12 disciples
Simon (Peter)

Jesus didn’t come to give us just enough to make it. Jesus died to give us life more abundantly!

Jesus’ last day…
At midnight Jesus is in Gethsemane, is betrayed by Judas, arrested, trials and abuse by soldiers, guards and others all night long
8:00 Jesus has been condemned to death by crucifixion
8:30 Jesus carries His cross out of the city to Golgotha
9:00 Jesus is being nailed to the cross
9:15 Jesus asks, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing”
9:30 Soldiers gamble for Jesus’ tunic
10:00 People walk by the cross, mocking Jesus for several hours
11:00 A thief hanging on a cross next to Jesus becomes the first to accept Jesus’ sacrifice for his salvation
12:00 The sky grows dark as the heavens mourn the death of the Son of God
1:00 An earthquake is about to hit Jerusalem as nature itself mourns the death of the Son of God
2:00 A Roman centurion proclaims, “Surely this man was the Son of God”
3:00 Jesus declares, “It is finished,” and breathes His last breath
4:00 A soldier pierces Jesus’ side to make sure He is dead – blood and water flow from His side
5:00 Jesus’ body is taken down from the cross and hurriedly buried in a borrowed tomb

Jesus didn’t go through all that just to get you to church on Sunday!

“It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Comin’!” S. M. Lockridge

Acts 4:20

Colossians 2:15

The cross was not Jesus’ defeat but our victory!

Jesus – literally – Changes Everything!

Will you make room for the cross?
There’s a great story about the artist Rodin, who one day saw a huge, carved crucifix beside a road. He immediately loved the artwork and insisted on having it for himself. He purchased the cross and arranged to have it carted back to his house. But it was too big for the building. So, he knocked out the walls, raised the roof, and rebuilt his home around the cross. He remodeled his house (his life) to make room for the cross of Jesus!