How To… Worship

How To Worship

Thanksgiving – think “gratitude” or “appreciation”

Praise – think “honor” or “acknowledging”

Worship is: the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration

[ctt template=”3″ link=”485Q1″ via=”no” ]Worship doesn’t satisfy your appetite. Worship intensifies your appetite for the object of your worship![/ctt]

Worship doesn’t just cause you to notice the good things about God. Worship, especially of God, causes you to imitate Him!

So what is Worship?

[ctt template=”3″ link=”893PT” via=”yes” ]Worship isn’t something you sing on Sunday morning.[/ctt]

  • Prayer is worship – Matthew 6:9
  • Reading the Bible is worship – John 4:24
    How can we worship in truth if we don’t know truth?
  • Giving is worship – Matthew 6:21, Matthew 2:11, Malachi 3:10-12
    If you want to know what you worship, look at your calendar and your bank statement.
  • An attitude of gratitude is worship, appreciation instead of grumbling and complaining
  • Saying grace over meals is worship
  • Serving others is worship – Matthew 25:40
  • Sharing our faith is worship!
  • Obedience is worship
    Imagine a king is speaking to you. What would be a respectful and reverent response?
    Ignoring him or listening and obeying?
  • Living the amazing life God dreams for us is worship

Romans 12:1

Finally, yes, singing can be worship. But only if it begins in the soul!

[ctt template=”3″ link=”TC25a” via=”yes” ]At 29:11 we don’t do guitar solos[/ctt]