This Is Our Church

Galatians 6:9

Luke 13:1-9

This Is the Year – one more year, as in the verses above, one more chance. But what will be different about this year?

Our purpose is not to look good, or sound good, but to produce fruit!

The most important thing a Christian can do is introduce someone new to Jesus!

What will be different this year for 29:11?

What will be different this year for you individually?

“My fruit grows on other people’s trees.”

Bob Buford

Fruit has two purposes:

1. Fruit provides nourishment, is a blessing, to others around the tree

This Is the Year to answer the question, “What are you going to do about that passion God put in your heart?”

2. Fruit creates new trees!

Before the seed can create a new plant, the fruit dies.

Galatians 6:1-10