I Want to Believe But… all this suffering in the world!

  • If God is all-knowing and all-loving why does He allow people to suffer?
  • Why does God allow pain?
  • Why does God heal some people and not others?
  • Why does God allow children to suffer?
  • What about terminal illness?
  • How do you reconcile the idea of the temple of God being sick?
  • Why would God create someone He knew would suffer?
  • How can you have joy in your salvation when daily life is such a struggle?
  • What about people who are disabled?
DISABLED? – a disability is “a restriction”

Helen Keller

Author of 12 published books and countless articles
1st deaf-blind person to earn Bachelor of Arts degree
International speaker and lecturer
Presidential Medal of Freedom
National Women’s Hall of Fame
That’s the picture of a person who was ENABLED!
The bumps are what you climb on.
– Warren Wiersbe
We often ask the wrong questions because we have a limited, tunnel-vision perspective.

Isaiah 55:8-9

Perhaps God chooses what’s “normal.”


David wanted to know that, too!

Psalm 13; 10:1; 35:17; 6:3-6; 22:1-2

Jesus knew to be delivered from His suffering would mean you and I could not be delivered from ours! He couldn’t have it both ways and sometimes that’s the choice we have.


Romans 8:28

2 Corinthians 12:7-10

God has purpose in the pain! I know, I know, we don’t like hearing that. But often our answers are not beyond the pain, but in the midst of it!

James 5:14, 4:2

God isn’t interested in a Q&A session, He wants a relationship with us. So it’s a lot deeper than we can get to in one week. Stay with us a few more weeks. There is more coming to help you answer those lingering doubts, unanswered questions and skeptical moments.